The Daughters of Dust, Julie Dash (1991)
The Daugthers of Dust, a film by Julie Dash, focuses on a Black family in America by portraying it through the black perspective. In Hollywood, the portrayal of Black people is through the White perspective. The film takes place some time after slavery in the time of the common migration to the North by Black families from the South. The film shows of the families Gullah traditions and dialect. The narrative follows the struggle of tradition and assimilation the whether to stay where the roots are or move on into the world. This secluded community of Gullah people live their lives like normal and we see the portrayal of Black families through what Julie Dash calls "The Oppositional Gaze". The Oppositional Gaze is essential in resisting the narrative structures in Hollywood Cinema. The common portrayal if any person is always viewed specifically through the White Male perspective. This means that the portrayal of women and any other ethnic or racial identities is through the...